On March 28th, Hyperliquid announced that due to the abnormal trading event in the JELLY market, users who hold long positions in JELLY will be compensated at the price of 0.037555 at settlement. Except for the marked address, this compensation is beneficial to all JELLY traders. Hyperliquid has strengthened risk management, including: • HLP Liquidator Management: Set tighter account value caps, reduce rebalancing frequency, and introduce more complex repo liquidation logic. If Liquidator loss...
3月28日消息,据Hyperliquid公告,因JELLY市场异常交易事件,持有JELLY多头头寸的用户将在结算时按0.037555的价格获得补偿,除标记地址外,此次补偿对所有JELLY交易者均有利。Hyperliquid已加强风险管理,包括: • HLP Liquidator管理: 设置更严格的账户价值上限,减少再平衡频率,并引入更复杂的回购清算逻辑。Liquidator若损失超出...
据 Lookonchain 监测,Hyperliquid 在下架 JELLY 前,以 0.0095 美元的价格清算了 3.92 亿枚 JELLY(约合 372 万美元),没有任何损失,反而获利了 70.3 万美元。
Hyperliquid posted a response on Discord saying that after discovering suspicious market activity, the validator committee voted to remove the JELLY perpetual contract. All user losses will be fully compensated by the Hyper Foundation, except for marked addresses. Compensation will be automatically executed in the coming days based on on-chain data, without the need to submit work orders. The specific implementation plan will be detailed in subsequent announcements. Similar to other public block...
Hyperliquid 在 Discord 上发布回应表示,在发现可疑市场活动后,验证者委员会经投票决定下架 JELLY 永续合约。 除标记地址外,所有用户损失将由 Hyper 基金会全额补偿。补偿将基于链上数据在未来几天自动执行,无需提交工单。具体实施方案将在后续公告中详细说明。与其他公链类似,验证者时常需集体协商并采取果断行动以维护网络完整性。Hyperli...
According to market news, Hyperliquid removed JELLYJELLY from the shelves and completed the settlement at a favorable price of $0.0095 without losing any funds.
据市场消息显示,Hyperliquid 下架 JELLYJELLY 并以 0.0095 美元的有利价格完成结算,没有损失任何资金。
据 Hyperliquid 官方网站信息,在币安和 OKX 上线 JELLYJELLY 合约后,该平台已下架相关交易功能。
According to the official announcement, OKX will officially launch the JELLYJELLYUSDT perpetual contract on the web, app and API at 11:30 pm on March 26, 2025 (UTC + 8).
据官方公告,OKX 将于 2025 年 3 月 26 日下午 11:30 (UTC+8) 在网页端、App 端及 API 正式上线 JELLYJELLYUSDT永续合约,开盘时间:3 月 26 日下午 11:30 (UTC+8)。
据官方公告,币安将于 2025 年 3 月 26 日 16:00(UTC)上线 JELLYJELLYUSDT 永续合约,最高支持 50 倍杠杆;并于同日 16:15(UTC)上线 MAVIAUSDT 永续合约,最高支持 25 倍杠杆。
In response to community users' suggestion that Binance could consider launching jellyjelly, He Yi responded on the X platform: "Okay, received".
On March 26th, according to Lookonchain monitoring, a whale holding 126 million JELLY (jellyjelly) is manipulating the price of the currency. The address first sold JELLY to plunge the price, leaving HLP with a passive short position of 398 million JELLY (about $15.30 million). Then the address bought back JELLY, pushing up the price, causing HLP to lose nearly 12 million dollars.
3月26日消息,据 Lookonchain 监测,某持币 1.26 亿枚 JELLY(jellyjelly)的巨鲸正在操纵币价。该地址先抛售 JELLY 使暴跌价格,让 HLP 拥有 3.98 亿枚 JELLY(约合 1530 万美元)的被动空头头寸。然后该地址买回了 JELLY,推高了价格,导致 HLP 损失了近 1200 万美元。